Monday, November 4, 2013

"like an angel in disguise..."

{Hi, friends! I've noticed that a few posts haven't published correctly, so this is actually about a month old. Better late than never, right?}

I am absolutely itching to do some projects- decorate for fall, paint something, create *something*- but the biggest project on my list right now is packing up this house. We're set to close in less than a week and there are just so many little things that need to be stuffed into a box for temporary keeping. But since I can't keep those creative juices at bay for too long, I decided to make Vesper's Halloween costume this year!

Last year, she was the sweetest little lamb I've ever seen
And this year, because she's completely obsessed with the Ylvis song, "What Does The Fox Say?" (seriously, she asks to watch it a thousand times a day and sings I tall day long) the obvious choice was for her to go trick-or-treating as a fox! After seeing a few costumes online, I knew that I wanted a more "homemade" look. Don't get me wrong, the pre-made costumes are cute, but there's just something special (and totally adorable) about sending your kiddo out in a costume that you made at home. So I bought some felt and some fun fur and set to work! The only problem was that I had already boxed and sealed my sewing machine, so I had to stitch all the pieces by hand!

The result was pretty darn cute!

I took her and Grey up to Tulsa to surprise my mother at her office. We went trick-or-treating in my Nana's cul-de-sac later that night and it was just so much fun!

Then there was this handsome little cowboy. He learned to sit up that night!

It was a good one.

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