Thursday, January 13, 2011

Baby Shepherd Update

On December 22, I shared with you that my nephew, Shepherd, had been born nearly two months early. Since that time I have received a few emails asking how he is doing, so I thought I would give you a quick update!

Shep has been making slow and steady progress! He’s gaining weight and getting closer to coming home every day. He’s still got a long way to go before he can be home with my brother and his wife, but we’re all praying for his strength and growth and I know he’ll be home before we know it!

Thanks for all your support, concern, and prayers! You guys are truly the best.

And now, I hope you all have your last will and testament written up, because you’re about to die of cuteness… CUE SHEP MONTAGE!166556_854065708482_17104170_43661855_8004507_n


This kid is gonna be varsity in no time!

p.s. more baby cuteness is on the way. I had another nephew, Asher, born on January 6th and he’s oh soooo cute and chubby!!




Annie said...

How PRECIOUS! I'm going to pass away now. I'm glad to hear he's doing well.

Mandi Stephanie said...

glad baby is doing well :)

Anonymous said...

hes a cutie

Cassandra said...

I'm happy to hear that the baby is doing well. I will keep him in my prayers! He is pretty adorable I must say :) Congrats on being the aunt of such a cute little thing!!!