Monday, July 26, 2010

…heart on my sleeve…

There was a time when I was a teenager that I wouldn’t wear anything with hearts on it.  I made it a point to request jewelry that was not in the shape of a heart. I wasn’t that “girly”.  But those days have clearly passed because lately, I’m noticing a huge amount of heart jewelry in my box.  One of my very favorite necklaces is a locket that was passed down from my grandmother to my mother on her wedding day, and from my mother to me on my wedding day. It’s very special to me.


I also have a ring and several pairs of heart-shaped earrings, including this pair which I happen to be wearing to work today!


But there’s one piece of heart-shaped jewelry that I don’t own, and that’s a bracelet, so you KNOW I gasped when I saw these beauties:

water horse studios

so pretty and dainty.  Perfect.




Kris said...

I've seen similar bracelets at J. Spencers and it's something like you put it on, make a wish and when it falls off our wish comes true.

Anonymous said...

That's funny. I hated hearts too until recently. I also refused to wear gold until this year.


I know.

Annie said...

OMG!!! I JUST bought a heart-shaped locket at a flea market this weekend and adore it! Love the bracelets.

Anna said...

Those bracelets are adorable! Love 'em!